Monday, August 9, 2010

Green attitude

I have yet another excuse for not posting. I've moved cities and started some new adventures for a while. Now in Melbourne town, I see everything around me with fresh eyes. And yes...I'm still on the hunt for milk crates but I didn't have to try too hard to spot the humble crate incorporated for another handy use.

It's such a foreign concept in Sydney but it seems eveyone rides bikes here in Melbourne!!  A fair proportion between Collingwood and Carlton have a crate configuration. Is it a political statement by a bunch of acivists, with the brazen act of ripping off a crate in defiance of capitalism, slapping the'big M' companies right across the face? Perhaps it is an example of a cottage industry of sorts and just promotes a simple greenie DIY attitude...

green crate = green attitude. Fitzroy 2010

1 comment:

  1. Going green with a green bike, and green basket. I can tell your motivated.
